Oultines provide a means of organizing your information in an hierarchical or logical order.
For research papers, a formal outline can help you keep track of large amounts of information.
An outline helps you organize your thoughts and makes the actual writing of your paper much easier. The top of your outline should be your introduction with thesis statement. The subtopics from your note cards will serve as headings for the body outline. Remember that all your subtopics need to relate back to your thesis.
I. Introductory Paragraph with Thesis Statement
Your introductory paragraph should contain the following, in order:
1. An attention grabber: an example, statistic, interesting historical fact, an anecdote (little story - two sentences or less), or a quote relating to your topic.
2. A very brief summary of the topic or issue.
3. The thesis statement.
II. Body of paper
A. Subtopic 1
1. Supporting evidence to back up A.
2. More supporting evidence to back up A.
B. Subtopic 2
1. Supporting evidence to back up B.
2. More supporting evidence to back up B.
C. Subtopic 3
1. Supporting evidence to back up C.
2. More supporting evidence to back up C.
Each paragraph in your body should have the following, in order:
1. A topic sentence introducing the subtopic.
2. Sentence(s) that provide evidence to support the subtopic.
3. A transition sentence to your next paragraph.
III. Conclusion
Because you will write this at the very end, you need not include much in the outline for it, unless you have an idea for a great clincher. The conclusion should restate your thesis and sum up all your subtopics. The order is dependent on how you wish to do this, as there isn’t a magic formula for a conclusion. It may a good idea to mention the significance of your research. Why was your research important? Are there any more questions to be answered?