Usually referred to as general interest or popular magazines. They are written for the general public and often focus on news, offer entertainment, or provide brief information about diverse topics.
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How to recognize in a database?
For more information, click on the image to go to the NoodleTools explanation of magazines.
Created by the Peabody Library at Vanderbilt University.
Journals are intended for academic research or members of a profession. Journal articles are written for experts or college students in the academic field or discipline.They include original research, critical analysis, and review of prior research.
Helpful when you need:
How to recognize in a database:
For more information click on the image to review NoodleTools' journal descrption
Use these resources to find articles from reputable sources. For help developing keywords and search terms, please review the Research Cycle guide. The quick search boxes are provided but for in-depth searching it is always best to use the advanced search options provided by the databases.
EBSCOhost's Research database search searches all the EBSCO periodical databases St. Paul's subscribes to at the same time. You can deselect the databases you do not want to include in the search.