"Criticism asks what literature is, what it does, and what it is worth." - Encyclopedia Britannica
Literary criticism analyzes, interprets, and evaluates works of literature. Though you most often find criticism in the form of an essay, in-depth book reviews may also be considered criticism. Criticism may analyze an individual work of literature. It may also examine an author’s body of work.
Authors present us with work that can have multiple meanings, expecting us to consider thoughtfully - to interpret. Writers and critics build on each others' understanding of a work of literature in a kind of dialog. Good criticism can help us develop a better understanding of a work. In addition, it can help us develop a point of view about a work, whether or not we agree with the opinions of the critic.
When looking at criticism, check for:
Opinions supported by evidence, relating to:
When looking for criticism, AVOID:
From Hershey High School Library
For more information about how to identify critical analysis please review:
EBSCOhost is a periodical database. It includes critical analysis from academic journals as well as popular magazines. It is important for you to pay attention to what type of sources you are looking for. Limiting to Peer Reviewed will ensure you are looking at academic sources.
eBooks: Infobase and EBSCO:
Essays of literary criticism are often compiled into anthologies. But, not all books contain literary criticism. In Destiny, use the title of the play and criticism to narrow your results - Hamlet criticism. Consider using the same technique when searching the eBooks.
Bloom's Literary Reference Center:
Bloom's Literary Reference Center provides articles of critical analysis from books and journals.
Macbeth is found in 822.3. Books about Macbeth are found in 822.33.
We have a lot of material on Shakespeare and his plays. Don't forget to look on the books about Shakespeare's tragedies and/or books focusing on specific themes.