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Plagiarism and Academic Honesty: Avoiding Plagiarism

Guide to explain what plagiarism is and the consequences. Includes a tutorial and quiz that can be used for classes.

How to Avoid Plagiarism

10 Steps to Plagiarism-Free Papers

8 Steps to Plagiarism-Free Papers:

1.  Understand what plagiarism is
  • Anything that is not cited is assumed to be your own work.
  • Even if you just forgot to add a citation or quotation mark you are still representing someone else's work as your work.
2. Understand how to paraphrase
  • Use your own words.
  • You must change the words and the sentence structure of the original without changing the content.
  • Give credit for the ideas with both an in-text citation and an entry in your bibliography/reference/works cited page.
3. Take careful notes
  • Any time you write anything down, note where it came from.
  • Note the URL and date accessed or the page number of the source.
  • Use quotation marks around direct quotes.
  • Consider using different colours or fonts for different sources to differentiate where information came from.
4. When in doubt, cite the source
  • Using outside sources lends credibility and authority to your writing.
5. Copy and paste with caution
  • Never copy anything without adding quotation marks and noting the URL and the date.
6. Use a citation guide
  • Your teachers ask for a certain citation style. Make sure you know what is required.
  • All citation styles required a citation in the text (in-text citation or footnote/endnote) and a full citation in the bibilography/referece/works cited list.
7. Make it clear who said what
  • Use a signal phrase to help the reader know you are using another source.
  • Always make sure it is clear when you are using source or changing sources.
  • Give credit to the right person.

8. When in doubt - ALWAYS ASK!