There are many disorders and syndromes associated with Psychology. This page will help you in finding information about disorders and syndromes in general. For information regarding specific disorders and syndromes, please see the drop-down list under the Disorders and Syndromes tab. Each page contains information relating to different disorders or syndromes, but please note that the resources there are not an exhaustive list, they are there to help you get started with your research. Please visit the Library if you have any questions related to researching your topic.
There is a lot of information on the Web related to psychology and mental health. Please remember there is a difference between “pop psychology” and reputable, scholarly work that has been backed up by research and theory. This is one area where you do have to be careful about what you read. Look for the society that represents your disorder/condition/illness. They usually have good information about the topic and links to reputable sites. The following are sites that contain general information about Mental Health.