Welcome to St. Paul's virtual library space. To access the various topics, please click on a link on the right or the left or use the Search box found on each guide. To access all the guides, click on "LibGuides" on the top menu or click here.
A few reminders:
- The Father Holland Learning Centre is open from 8:00 - 4:30 Monday to Friday. This virtual space is always available to you.
- If you need help, please see Ms. Janzen or Mrs. Ridley during library hours or email:
- Ms. Janzen: cjanzen@stpauls.mb.ca
- Mrs. Ridley: lridley@stpauls.mb.ca
- If you are using the databases outside of the school, you will need the usernames and passwords. These are located through the QR codes in the library and on the All Students team on Teams.
- For information about library policies and rules click here.