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Father Holland Learning Centre: Library Guidelines and Policies

General information about the Father Holland Learning Centre.

Library Hours

Monday - Friday 8:00 - 4:30

Collection Development Policy


Guidelines for Library Use

Please remember that the Father Holland Learning Centre includes the Father Holland Computer Lab. The expectations are the same in both areas:

  1. Ask if you need help
  2. Respect the other library/lab users
    • ​Work quietly
    • No cell phones during class time
  3. ​Respect the faculty helping in the library
    • Expect we will enforce the school policies regarding cell phones, dress code, and conduct​​
  4. Respect the space
    • ​Water is only allowed at tables in the library
    • No food or drink is allowed in the lab or by the computers in the library
    • Please refrain from eating in the library or the lab.
    • Computers are intended for school work not games
      • ​We have headphones available for use from the circulation desk.
    • Leave the library better than you found it
      • ​Garbage in the garbage, recycling in the recycling, return magazines to magazine racks, return books to the circulation desk, tuck in your chair
  5. ​​Dress code is in effect during school hours (8:15 - 3:15)



Circulation Information

There is no limit to how many books a student may take out at a time.

Loan periods:

  • General books: 3 weeks
  • Reference: One day or Overnight
  • Equipment: One day or Overnight
    • Computers, iPads, tripods
  • Videos (DVDs): Overnight 
  • Periodicals:
    • Current issue does not circulate
    • Back copies  - 1 week


  • Replacement value will be charged for lost or damaged materials