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St. Paul's High School Archives: St. Paul's College at Fort Garry Campus

Information about St. Paul's Archives and virtual displays created to support physical displays

The construction of St. Paul's College was widely celebrated by the local community as it ensured that students had access to a religious post-secondary education.

St. Paul's College at Fort Garry Campus

When St. Paul's College first became affiliated with the University of Manitoba in 1931, the campuses were both located in Winnipeg's downtown. The proximity allowed St. Paul's College students to receive accreditation through the University and to become involved in numerous student activities. 
Over the next two decades, the University relocated to its new site in Fort Garry. With a great distance now between campuses, many students felt removed from the benefits of university life. This feeling amongst students and faculty prompted the College to discuss relocation. A deal was struck, and in 1958 the new college was opened.