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St. Paul's High School Archives: St. Paul's College High School on Ellice Avenue

Information about St. Paul's Archives and virtual displays created to support physical displays

Since its construction in 1932, Paul Shea Hall served as the seat of St. Paul's College High School. 

St. Paul's College High School on Ellice Avenue

The relocation of the St. Paul's College Arts Section in 1958 left the high school to operate independently at Ellice and Vaughan. 
With the Arts students gone, the former college building primarily served the Jesuit faculty as the residence, administrative offices, and the religious centre. The high school, which continued to reside in Paul Shea Hall, took over the science laboratories in the basement. 
In late 1958, an offer was received from the City for the purchase of the downtown site. Although this offer was rejected by the faculty, they began to consider the future of the school and what opportunities relocation would allow. The downtown site was soon sold and a new campus was secured in the Town of Tuxedo. 
In September 1964, St. Paul's High School opened on Grant Avenue.